Known for: Various High School Musicals, a singing career, Being old enough for you, but young enough for your kids.
It's rare that a movie comes along that both father and daughter can watch together, and we would not normally include those High School Musical movies on that list, if not for the fact that Ashley Tisdale is in all of them, and like a good Manischewitz (is there such a thing?), she only gets better with age. Ashley grew up the only Jew in all of New Jersey (her father doesn't do the hora, hence the goyishe last name). Her singing and acting mean she's OMG your daughter's absolute favorite!!!! And her jailbait good looks mean you are a fan too. Sound weird? It is, and it's not going to get any better. Tisdale, who has been paraded by Disney like she's the spawn of Mickey, has no plans to break into the adult world of showbiz. With her tween army and Olsen-like cashflow, though, who can blame her?
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