Known for: Israeli TV, The Island, Star Trek, CSI: NY, not much else.
Israel recently launched a new tourism marketing campaign with the basic theme of: screw God, we've got hot chicks - and a beach. The bad news is one of their biggest potential draws, Israeli actress Noa Tishby, recently jetted for L.A. The good news? Well, hot chicks - and a beach! Tishby made her name in Israel as a sitcom star and quickly became the only kind of bombshell Israelis let on buses, before moving to L.A. to star in movies like The Island and shows like CSI: NY. Tishby's recent marriage to Australian Idol host Andrew "I'm too cool for a full last name" G. takes her off the market, but not off the screen, where she'll continue to be occupied with Hollywood, making that one Israeli occupation we think the world can live with.