Some Sephardic Names

Some Sephardic Names


*Origins and meanings

Sephardic Genealogy Resources

It will be helpful for the reader of this section to first go to the page about the general origins of Jewish names (just click here). This will provide a better basis for understanding this section.
Because Jewish Sephardic names are often so ancient, discovering the origins and meanings of these names can be of interest. There is no way I can list all Sephardic names here, but this is a sampling that can give the reader an idea. I have elected to skip Jewish names that were simply adopted from existing spanish names (Rodriguez, Henriquez, etc.) because I cannot provide a meaning to them of Jewish interest other than that they were adopted from Spanish names - usually their Catholic godfather when forcibly converted. Many of these families reverted to Judaism when able to do so.

Please do not write to ask about the meaning of your own name. I am flooded with queries as it is and already feel guilty at my inability to get to them all. If your name is not listed, make it a project to discover its meaning. Start by going to my listing of books and search for yourself. Be a detective. That is what makes genealogy fun! Name  Variants  Origin  Meaning  Notes
Abenrey  Malka,Ben Rey,Ibn Rey,Avenreyna,Ben Melekh,Reyno,Soberano  Hispanic-Arabic  son of king   
Abitbol  Toboul,Abitboul (see also Botbol)  Arab     Drummer (taboula)   
Abrabanel,Abravanel  unk  unk     ancient family said to descend from King David
Abulafia  Boulafia, Alafia  Arabic  Possessor of strength/health or well being (afia)  some Moslem families carry this name.
Aknin  Aqnine, ben Aknine  Berber  Jacob   
Albaz  Elbaz,Elvas,ben..  Arabic  Falconer, also locality in spain   
Alfassi  Elfassi,Fasi,Defaz  Arabic  from Fez, Morocco   
Anonios     Greek  Eternal  Found in Ioannina
Aragon  De Aragon  Spanish  from Aragon  Moslems and Jews both carry this name
Arapis     Greek  Arab  Found in Ioannina
Ashkenazi  Eshkanazi, Eskinazi  Hebrew  means German   
Assouline  Asulin,ben..,Benasuly  Berber  Rocks   
Azulay  ben..  Berber or Spanish  Good (Ber), blue eyes (Sp)   
Barcilon  Barchilon,Barcilon,Bargeloni  Hebrew  old name of Barcelona     <
Ben Sushan  ben Sussan  Persian  name of ancient Persian capital   
Botbol  Tebol,Boutbol. (See also Abitbol)  Arab  drum maker or seller   
Cabalero  Caballero,Cabaliero  Spanish  Knight or horseman   
Cardoza  Cartoso,  Spanish/Port.  from town in Guadalajara, Spain or Viseu, Port   
Caro     Spanish  dear or beloved   
Carvalho  Cabalo  Portuguese  Oaktree,
town in Portugal   
Castorianos     Greek  from Castoria   
Castro  Decastro  Spanish/Portuguese  Jewish fortress in Leon   
Charbit  Sharbit  Hebrew  Sceptre   
Cohen  multiple combined names  Hebrew  Priest   
Crespin  Crispin,Crispin,aven..,ben..  Spanish  Spanish Curly (hair)   
Dalyan  Dalven  Turkish  fishnets/fishpond  found in Ioannina
Danon  Dondon,aben..,.abendanno  Spanish/Heb  Judge   
Dayan     Hebrew  Judge   
De Aragon  Ragon. (See also Aragon)  Spanish  Kingdom in Spain   
De Fez  Alfassi  Arabic  from Fez, Morocco   
De Silva  Da Silva  Spanish/Portuguese  from the forest (Silva)
blackberry bush   
De Soto  Soto, Del Soto  Spanish  Swamp   
Enriquez  Henriquez, Henriques  Spanish  Son of Henri  Spanish/Portug name adopted by converso family at forced conversion
Ferreres  Ferares, ben..  Spanish  Blacksmith, or from towns in Majorca or Zamora   
Foinquinos  Follinquinos,Foyinquinos  Greco-Latin  Phonecian   
Franco  Franca can be seen as first name  Spanish  Freed (from taxes or bondage)   
Gabbay  Gabai,Avin..,Cabay  Hebrew  In talmudic era were alms collectors, in Spain:tax collectors   
Gaguin  Gagin  Spanish  Town in Pontevedra, Spain   
Galanos     Greek  Blue-eyed   
Guedalia  Guadella,Guedalha  Hebrew  Elevated by God   
Hakim  Elhakim,Alhakim,Hkim  Arab  Physician or sage   
Halfon  Khalfon,Jalfon,Alfon,Halpen  Arab  Replacement (like Makhlouf)   
Hamu  Hammou,Hamuy  Arab  Father-in-law,heat (Ham Hebr), Berber tribe   
Hasdai  Hasday, Chasdai, ben .., Acday, Azday  Aramaic  Goodness   
Hazan  Azan,Chasan,Ha-Hazan  Hebrew  Official,cantor   
Kampanaris     Greek  Bells  found in Ioannina, Greece
Kokkinos     Greek  Red (redhead?)   
Laredo     Spanish  Town in Santander,Castile   
Levy  Halevy,Levita  Hebrew  Levy tribe   
Lombroso     Spanish  Translation of Hebrew Nehora or Eir, luminous   
Lugasi  Lugashi  Arabic  From town of Lugas in Oviedo   
Maimon  ben..,Mainonides,Mimon,Maymo  Hebrew  Fortunate,lucky   
Malka  ben Melekh,Soberano,Ibn Rey,Reino,Malki,Abimelekh  Aramean  King in Aramean, From Malaga   
Malqui  Malka,Almalqui,Almalki,Maleque,Malaki  Spanish  from Malaga   
Mandil     Arab  Apron   
Marcus  Marcos  Spanish  plural of Marco (measuring weight)   
Medina  De Medina  Hebrew, Arabic  State (Hebr.); town (Arab.); several in Spain   
Mizrahi  see also Ben Ashurqui, De Levante, Shuraqui  Hebrew  Eastern   
Montefiore     Italian  from Montefiore in Papal states   
Moreno  ben..  Spanish  Brown   
Nahon     Heb/Spanish  from town of Naon in Oviedo, Spain   
Nahman  ben Nahman  Biblical  Lord will heal or console   
Navaro  Nabaro  Spanish  Navarre kingdom   
Obadya  Obadiah, Ovadia, Abdias, etc  Hebrew  Servant of God   
Ohanna  O'Hana, Bohana, Abuhana, Abuhenna  Berber (O=son)  son (O) of Hanna   
Ohayon     Berber (O=son) + Hebrew (Hayon)  son (O) of Life (Hayon)   
Oiknine  Waknin, Ouaknin, ben.., etc.  Berber  Son of Jacob   
Patish  Betache (N. Africa)  Hebrew  Hammer  In Greece, N. Africa
Perez     Biblical  The grandson of Jacob   
Pereira     Portuguese  Peartree  Many Jews forced to convert to Chritianity took on the names of trees.
Pinto  De Pinto, Pynto  Spanish  Town near Madrid   
Pisa     Italian  Town in Italy   
Rabi  Ribbi, ben..  Hebrew  My Rabbi   
Rofe  Ha Rofe, Roffe, Rophe, see also Del Medico  Hebrew  Physician   
Rosales  Rozales  Spanish  Rosebush, from towns in Spain   
Sabah  Caba  Arabic  Morning   
Saltiel  Shaltiel, Chaltiel  Hebrew  Asked of G-d   
Santob  Shemtob, Sentob, Sento  Hebrew  Good name   
Sasson  ƇaƧon,Sassoon  Hebrew  Happiness   
Sebag  Sabag, Assabagh, Essebagh, etc.  Arabic  Dyer of cloth   
Senor  Senior, Bonsenyor, Ben Senor, Bonsignour  Spanish  Elder, Sir   
Serfati  Sarfati, Zarfati, Ha-Zarfatti, Hasserfaty  Hebrew  Frenchman   
Sevillano     Spanish  From Sevilla, Spain   
Shalom  ben..  Hebrew  Peace   
Shuraqui  ben, Souraqi, Shouraqui; (see also Mizrahi)  Arabic  Easterner   
Soberano  see Malka  Spanish  Sovereign  see Malka
Sofer  HaSoffer, Soffer, Sopher  Hebrew  Scribe, notary   
Soriano     Spanish  From Soria in Spain   
Soto  De Soto, Del Soto  Spanish  Marshland   
Tangier  Tanjir, Tanzir, Tandjir  Berber  clay cooking pot   
Turqui  El Turqui, Eturki, Atturki  Arabic  Turk   
Uaknin  Waknin, see Oiknine  Berber      
Uziel  Oziel, Uzziel, Ouziel, etc.  Biblical  God is my Strength   
Valensi  Balenci  Arabic, Spain  from Valencia   
Veniste  Beniste, Benveniste,  Spanish  You came   
Verdugo  Berdugo  Spanish  Branch (of tree)   
Vidal  Vital, Vitalis, Bitales, Viton, Hayyim, etc.  Latin  Life   
Zadoq  Sadoc, Zadoc, Acencadoque, Aben Cadoc, Sadox, etc  Biblical  Just   
Zafrani  Ezafrani, Alzafrani, etc.     from Zafaran (in Persia) 

Sephardic Genealogy Resources

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